All participants who completed the survey were entered in a draw to win a $50 VISA gift card, with a second chance to win for those who provided a testimonial. And the winners are…
CAAR Conference Survey Winner: Bobbi Anderson from Parrish and Heimbecker.
CAAR Conference Testimonial Winner: Carter Majeau from McEwen’s Fuels and Fertilizer.
Here’s what Carter had to say about the 2021 Virtual CAAR Conference: “I was very impressed with the layout, quality of speakers and information provided in a COVID time where we had a winter without most training events.”
See below for some highlights from the 2021 Virtual CAAR Conference Survey that will help direct us in planning our future CAAR Conferences.
“I was extremely pleased with how the committee put together this year’s conference under these strange & challenging times. Topics were relative and timely. Thank you to the committee and CAAR Staff.”
Reg Olsen, Olds Fertilizers & Agri Services Ltd.
What were the primary reasons you chose to attend the 2021 Virtual CAAR Conference?
- There was a good roster of strong speakers on the agenda
- We understand the need to support CAAR and the conference ultimately helps us get leads for future work
- I usually miss this conference due to workload and unable to take time to travel to the conference. Virtual worked very well and I received CCA credits
- To learn new information in the Ag industry
- We are a major sponsor and believe strongly in the independent retail network and the significant value it delivers to growers
- To stay in touch with industry directions and activity
- Support our ag retail industry
- To bid on items at the online auction
- To learn and to continue to support CAAR and the people who worked hard to put together
- To become more current with sector trends and opportunities
- Knowledge, Industry Updates & Networking
- To find out more information regarding CAAR activities
- To meet with ag retail dealer customers
- Network with my industry contacts
- We attended and sponsored the event to get more exposure to customers that we deal with
- Be part of the Community. The CAAR Conference is such a great time to network and align with people in the industry to learn from and grow with
- Some of my customers were attending and I wanted to network with them
- To support the organization in a challenging year
- There were interesting topics on the agenda like carbon tax, agrologists and seeding implements
- With COVID I was itching to attend a conference and learning event
- To stay updated with things going on in the ag world
- I’ve always wanted to attend a CAAR conference but never given the chance and since the price was right for this one I thought I may as well try it!
“The CAAR conference is a great venue to learn both professionally and personally. It provides an opportunity to meet and network with others in the industry and provides an insight to those who are new to the industry at all levels.
Linda Potolicki, International Raw Materials Ltd.
(1=poor / 5=excellent)
“The 2021 Virtual CAAR Conference exceeded my expectations. The platform was easy to navigate and the speakers were excellent. Thanks for the hard work CAAR.
Barry Schultz, International Raw Materials Ltd.
What did you like most about the 2021 Virtual CAAR Conference?
- Strong speakers and the virtual platform was very seamless to use
- Not having to travel for the conference
- Variety of high-quality speakers and found it well worth my time
- The technology worked very well and some of the keynote speakers were excellent, with some great topics
- Easy to navigate and good value
- Seeing some familiar faces who are still in the industry, being able to listen to some real good presenters, and good to see some award winners that I have worked with in the past as well as still work with be recognized for their achievements
- Diverse topics in the agenda
- The speakers were quite good this year and I really liked the concurrent sessions. Being able to pause presentations and go back to them is a great feature as well
- Speakers whose messages were very relevant for the times we are in
- Information regarding timely issues such as carbon tax and internet information reliability
- Was better than I expected, well done! Great to connect and a great lineup of speakers
- Did not have to park outside in the cold. I liked not having to travel.
- The presentations were well structured and stuck to the times
- Getting to choose which presentation to be able to watch
- The virtual concept made it easy to attend without a big cost
- Convenience. It was really nice to be able to stay warm and still get some valuable information. The track options were a great way to pick something that makes sense to you and your position.
- I was pleased with the whole conference
- Sessions were available to watch after the conference so I could watch all the speaker sessions
- Connection to other industry members, continual learning, sharing our success and challenges
- The agenda included input from agrologists for clients buying a new seeder
- The speakers all did really well, the event was well organized and went smoothly.
- Hope to have in-person and virtual options next year!
“I really enjoyed all the speakers this year – great job by all involved on adapting to a virtual conference!
Dee Klassen, Tronia Systems Ltd.
What values do you and your company expect from attending conferences and tradeshows like the CAAR Conference?
“The 2021 CAAR Conference was a well-thought-out, compact and informative virtual event that sent me home feeling like I spent my time wisely as a result of attending.
Jason Lewis, Farm Credit Canada
How can we encourage more ag retailers to attend the CAAR Conference (in-person and virtual)?
- That task is for all CAAR Members. Spend more time discussing the value of CAAR with your customers
- Continue to promote with a focus on networking opportunities
- Need to send this year to retailers to watch
- Early promotion of agenda and speakers
- Continue down the path of having a diverse set of speakers in order to appeal to a wide variety of topics (management, agronomy, operations), CCA credits also helped get some retail staff involved
- Consider sending one of the presentations, e.g. Cami Ryan, to retailers who did not attend, and ask for their feedback and whether they would register for the 2022 CAAR Conference
- If we can eventually go back to in-person events, I believe a hybrid of some virtual sessions would be great to expose more staff from other locations without the travel costs
- Larger organizations like Co-op’s, Nutrien Ag Solutions and Richardson need to encourage staff attendance and be more involved to support the conference
- The demographic of retailers has changed and the conference needs to adapt to their needs, focus on what retailers don’t have available internally and include specific speaker sessions in the agenda
“The CAAR Conference is a great way to align ourselves with other industry leaders and learn ways to improve and continually grow our businesses.
Kirsten Pears, Olds Fertilizers & Agri Services Ltd.
How likely are you to attend the 2022 CAAR Conference if hosted in Edmonton, AB?
I was pleased with the 2021 Virtual CAAR Conference. The virtual program allowed me to attend during our busy spring planning season. I likely would not have attended the Edmonton show and would have missed out on the great lineup of speakers.
Dale Miller, Nutrien Ag Solutions
CAAR is a great national organization representing the concerns, challenges and opportunities of the Ag Retail industry to help us do our jobs well.
Jeff Holmes, Holmes Agro
The 2021 Virtual CAAR Conference was interesting with very informative speakers. Well worth attending!
Greg Setter, Setter Manufacturing Division
The information that was presented and shared was invaluable. All retail suppliers and employees need to get involved. This is our industry and we need your support.
Blaine Cochrane, Shur-Gro Farm Services
Fantastic effort, I think the Virtual CAAR conference may continue in years to come.
Dale McKay, Shur-Gro Farm Services Ltd.
The CAAR Conference is an essential part of getting ready for spring business.
Don Kitson, International Raw Materials Ltd.
This was the first CAAR conference I have attended. The topics had a lot of interest for me based on where I am in my career.
Gordon Ironside, Parrish & Heimbecker
This is the first CAAR Conference I have attended and I appreciated the opportunity to share our company safety, health and environmental evolution with everyone who connected. The information shared by all participants and sessions enhanced my knowledge of industry change, opportunities and challenges while expanding my professional network. The online format was clear and well structured. Thank you for including me.
Jeremy Mollet, Nutrien
Very well run virtual event! I enjoyed it.
Bobbi Anderson, Parrish and Heimbecker