Banner for CAAR Conference

The theme for the conference will be Resilience: Adapt & Advance. Canadian agriculture has seen tremendous evolution and change over the years – which has been accelerated over the past 18 months as a result of the pandemic. But CAAR members have been there every step of the way; helping their grower customers to understand and apply innovations. The 2022 CAAR Conference provides members with the opportunity to network and discuss current issues.

We can’t wait to bring together ag retailers, exhibitors and innovators from across the industry to network, learn (earn CEU credits), and prepare for the future. Mark February 8th to 10th, 2022, on your calendar.

Stay informed on CAAR Conference announcements on, future issues of the CAAR Network, and Twitter (@CdnAgRetail).

We welcome your feedback! If you have any suggestions for speaker topics or general conference ideas, or if you are interested in joining the conference committee, please contact Mitch Rezansoff at 204.989.9303.


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