Banner for CAAR 2022-2023 Board of Directors Nominations Now Open

CAAR is looking for representatives in specific geographies; one from Saskatchewan, two from Ontario, and one from Quebec / Maritime provinces.

Lending your time and expertise to the CAAR Board gives you an active and rewarding role in shaping your industry. Being active on the Board is a great way to expand your network, represent your fellow retailers and contribute to the strength of the industry. Take your involvement with CAAR to the next level by joining the CAAR Board of Directors!

Nominate yourself or a colleague today by emailing

Don’t think you are ready yet to join the Board?

Join a CAAR Committee instead.  Take advantage of the numerous opportunities to support the Canadian ag retail industry and support your company and fellow CAAR members by joining a CAAR committee! CAAR has five committees:

  • Advocacy
  • Communications
  • Conference
  • Membership
  • Training

The committees work with the board and executive council to drive the activities of the association.

For more information, about joining the Board of Directors or a CAAR committee, please contact Mitch Rezansoff at 204-989-9303 or

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