CAAR Hopeful Rules for 3800 MHz Spectrum will Mean Speed and Availability of Internet will Improve in Farming Communities

That means that the 3800 MHz spectrum being sold in remote and rural communities will have to be put to use in a reasonable timeframe. It also means that multiple carriers will have sufficient access to spectrum to be competitive, preventing a single carrier from trying to corner the market.

Perhaps most importantly, CAAR believes this decision will increase both the speed and availability of mobile and internet service across Canada. The auction for this spectrum will take place in 2023. Some time later the licenses will actually be transferred. Like many advocates in agriculture, CAAR believes this is a critical step to getting the ball rolling to improved mobile and internet services for famers and farming communities.

The 3800 spectrum is ideal for 5G and innovation thanks to the high speeds it offers, but it is also optimal for rural connectivity because it carries large amounts of data. It is widely believed that without enough mid-band spectrum, Canadian carriers will struggle to deliver the services rural agribusiness need and 5G networks may lag behind global peers. 

For more information, please contact CAAR Executive Director Mitch Rezansoff at 204-989-9303.

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