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CAAR is delighted to welcome Nikeisha Paul-Hunnighan to the association’s Marketing, Communications & Event Management role. Nikeisha has a variety of experiences centred on creative strategy, content creation, editing, brand messaging, and event management. Most recently, she worked as a content marketing strategist for Globe Property Management. Nikeisha has a Bachelor of Arts in English and Gender Studies from the University of Manitoba and a Post-Graduate Public Relations and Communications Certificate from Humber College. Please join us in welcoming Nikeisha.

U of Manitoba CAAR Agronomy Award Winner Announced

CAAR annually presents an Agronomy Award of $1,000 to a deserving agriculture student at the University of Manitoba. Congratulations to Kevin Jungbluth on winning this award. Jungbluth was also awarded the Governor General’s Bronze Medal for Highest Standing in the Two-Year Diploma Program.

2023 CAAR Conference and Tradeshow

The 2023 CAAR Conference and Tradeshow will be hosted at the Westin Edmonton in Alberta from February 7 to 9, 2023. It will be great to meet in person and see one another again. Join us to stay current on what’s important and help you develop strategies to support the health of your business, the ag retail industry, and the agriculture industry overall. We invite all ag retailers from across Canada to join us.

The 2023 CAAR Conference presentations will include a look at the state of Canadian Retail Businesses, the Fertilizer Outlook, and Carbon Market Opportunities, to name just a few. Attendees can earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) by registering and attending our event. More details will be released about how to sign up and claim your credits. Exhibitor and sponsor opportunities are also available. Contact Lady Gabilo at 204-989-9304 for more information.

2023 CAAR Retailer Hall of Fame Awards

Do you know someone who stood out and has made the extra effort for the ag retail industry? Someone who should be nominated for the Retailer Hall of Fame award? The Retailer Hall of Fame award recognizes an individual who has consistently demonstrated exceptional performance in serving customers, industry, and association. Your nominations can be made on the CAAR website. If anyone has questions about the CAAR award nomination process, please contact Lady Gabilo at 204-989-9304.

Agronomist of the Year Award

Do you know an Agronomist who consistently exceeds expectations through dedication to their field and agronomic knowledge? Nominate your Agronomist for the Agronomist of the Year Award. In addition to being recognized as a leader in the ag retail industry, the winning individual receives an award plaque to display at their office, a $1,000 prize, a one-page article featured in the CAAR Communicator and CAAR Network, and is also inducted into the CAAR Awards honour roll. Nominations can be made on the CAAR website. If you have questions about the CAAR award nomination process, please contact Lady Gabilo at 204-989-9304.

Support CAAR Pro-Ag Investments Auction

The CAAR Pro-Ag Investments Auction will be held online and during the 2023 CAAR conference. The Pro-Ag Investment’s Auction is CAAR’s only fundraiser, contributing up to 10 percent of the association’s annual revenue. Proceeds from the auction directly support CAAR’s advocacy activities, support of industry initiatives, agricultural scholarships, upgrades to existing programs and services and the development of new ones. Show your support by donating an item for the auction.

If you are interested in donating products to the CAAR Pro-Ag Investments Auction, please contact Mitch Rezansoff at 204-989-9303.

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