Health Canada’s Pesticide Compliance Program (PCP) is responsible for promoting, monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA) and its regulations. The document “Distribution and sale of pesticides” provides a summary of the key federal regulatory requirements applicable to pesticide distribution.
To help promote compliance with the Act, whose primary objective is to protect human health and the environment, Health Canada has asked CAAR to share the information with CAAR members. A Member Alert was distributed last week. Please ensure the appropriate individuals in your organization are aware of the information included in the document.
Additionally, the PCP compiles a list of pesticides whose registration has been cancelled which includes important information such as the last date a product can be sold. If you would like to receive this list which is updated on a monthly basis, please email pcp-pcp@hc-sc.gc.ca to be added to the distribution list.
CAAR members are encouraged to contact the Pesticide Compliance Program with questions or comments. PCP welcomes your feedback on the usefulness of this information for industry stakeholders as well as your suggestions for optimizing our compliance promotion efforts.