Banner for COVID-19 Rapid Testing

Health Canada recently released a document detailing their initiative to increase regular rapid screening in workplaces across Canada to reduce transmission and outbreaks.

The document includes information about how workplaces will be assessed for suitability, rapid screening implementation and what the next steps are for associations to apply.

Click the links below to view the ‘Rapid Tests for COVID-19 Screening in the Workplace’ Document:

English Version
French Version


CAAR has been monitoring the bi-weekly COVID-19 AAFC/AAC Roundtable conference calls with rapid test details, use and eligibility details provided.

If you are interested in participating, click here to view the Organization Interest Form and follow the instructions below:

1. Send the completed form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Any confidential information should be marked accordingly. AAFC will collate the information and forward it to Health Canada.

2. Health Canada will review the information, request any clarifications and place a fulfillment order with Public Services and Procurement Canada.

3. Delivery of the tests is expected to occur 3 to 5 business days from the fulfillment order date.

4. Simple reporting will be required weekly using the attached Data Reporting Template.


In the early phase of this initiative, the Government of Canada will work with industry associations to prioritize intake organizations and supply rapid screening tests at no cost (tests may also be available from relevant provinces and territories).

Organizations will be responsible for setting up the rapid screening program, coordinating employees to be screened, administering screening, collecting and reporting on usage data and following all relevant local/provincial/territorial public health regulations and guidance.

Benefits of rapid COVID-19 screening for organizations:
• Better protect their employees, customers and clients
• Contribute to community safety by reducing community spread
• Facilitate a safer return to increased social and economic activity

Click here for more information on Health Canada’s website. 



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