Banner for KIC May 2021

Keep it Clean has updated its 2021 Product Advisory to inform Canadian barley growers of market risks associated with using chlormequat (e.g. Manipulator) on barley for malt, food and feed.

Growers are encouraged to confirm contract obligations and acceptance with your grain buyer before using chlormequat on barley.

There are no market restrictions for using chlormequat (Manipulator) on oats or wheat.

Click here to review the 2021 Keep it Clean Product Advisory to learn which products may restrict marketing opportunities for your crops.

Industry groups throughout the value chain work together on a robust analysis and review process assessing market access concerns related to maximum residue limits (MRL) and other potential market risks. Keep it Clean uses this collective process as the basis for its campaign and Keep it Clean has been able to anticipate when it can provide you with the information you need, when you need it.

Keep it Clean communicates in-season updates through its website, Twitter, provincial grower group channels and media releases when changes to market access risks occur, providing growers like you with information in real-time so they can respond as needed.

Talk to your grain buyer before using chlormequat (Manipulator) on barley for malt, food and feed as treated crop may not be accepted.

Keep it Clean encourages all growers to review the 2021 Product Advisory, and to consult with their grain buyer before making product applications for the 2021 growing season to ensure the products you plan to apply are acceptable to the customers of Canadian agriculture commodities.

To provide you with more valuable information on the Product Advisory, Keep it Clean hosted a live webinar in partnership with the Canada Grains Council (CGC) in April.

Click here to watch the 2021 Product Advisory Webinar to learn more about markets of interest, pesticides of interest and keeping Canada’s crops ready for markets.

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