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By the Numbers

2 - HR guru Stacy Brownridge, CPHR with Winfield United Canada offers some must-do advice−just two simple things−to ensure your new hire is a long-term hire.

4 - Rather than just holing up for the winter awaiting a groundhog to see its shadow, here are four huge takeaways for the ag retailer to consider ensuring a prosperous new year and beyond.

5 - Five helpful tips to becoming more than just a seller of products. It’s how to be an ag advisor and go-to solution provider for your customer base.

13 - A baker’s dozen of the latest innovative technologies every ag retailer should familiarize themselves with to provide a heads-up to their customer base or to diversify their own product line.

715 - It’s either one career homerun more than Babe Ruth clobbered, or it’s how many kilometres our featured CAAR Board member paddled on his trek down the Yukon River.

∞ + 1 - That’s the level of thanks owed to: Jim Barclay, Hensall Co-op; Taylor Olsen, Olds Fertilizers & Agri Services; Stacy Brownridge and Taryn Milton, both of Winfield United Canada, for their time and effort in helping CAAR get this issue to our association members.


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