Agri-retailers are a grower’s first and best resource for nutrient management advice. As Canadian growers face increasing pressure to improve their environmental practices while also maintaining their bottom line, agri-retailers must be ready with solutions.

Over the past three years, Fertilizer Canada commissioned ten research projects across the country to support on-farm adoption of 4R Nutrient Stewardship (Right Source @ Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place®). The result: 10 best management practices (BMPs) using the sustainability principles of 4R Nutrient Stewardship that are scientifically-proven to both reduce nutrient losses and increase crop productivity and profitability. The Key Findings of the Canadian 4R Research Network report details the trials of various Source, Rate, Time and Place practices for common Canadian crops: wheat, canola, soybeans and potatoes.

As well as insights into specific 4R outcomes in localized growing conditions for crops across Canada (from wheat and canola production in the Prairies, to corn production in Ontario and potato production in Prince Edward Island), these BMPs act as a guidebook for Canadian agri-retailers advising growers who are looking for proven ways to improve their cropping practices with confidence.

This research provides concrete evidence of the benefits of implementing 4R Nutrient Stewardship, allowing agri-retailers to confidently provide their grower customers with the sustainable, yet profitable, BMPs they are asking for.

Find the report, including the 10 BMPs, on Fertilizer Canada’s website here. Also, learn how to become more involved in the 4Rs through our 4R Designation program nationally or 4R Certification program in Ontario.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Fertilizer Canada with questions about the report or how you can use the findings to improve your agri-retail business.

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