Now is the time to make your voice heard and let the government know that the agriculture industry needs a science-based regulatory system that supports innovation to contribute to global food security, drive greater sustainability and compete on the world stage. The Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers is currently participating at the steering committee level of PRMA consultation meetings. The Government of Canada is considering changes to Canada’s world-class pesticide regulatory system (PMRA).
It is critical of all agriculture stakeholders to submit written comments during the consultation period. To expedite the process, submissions of comment “Advancing Agriculture” has developed a “Take Action” online portal to support your comment submissions in three easy steps:
- Visit https://www.advancingagriculture.ca/take-action
- Choose “I am a Farmer” or “I work in/support agriculture
- If you choose to, you may personalize the form letter, and forward it to key Ministers, MPs, and Department Heads
CAAR encourages members to take action today to support Canada’s leadership in agriculture innovation based on science-based decision-making.
For more information, please contact CAAR Executive Director Mitch Rezansoff at 204-989-9303.