agrēGrain by Tronia Systems

Grain management is made easy with agrēGrain. A dedicated solution for Grain Terminals, it specializes in handling agricultural commodities and is designed specifically for the Canadian Grain market.

Grain Purchasing
   Purchase Contracts, Scale Tickets, Receipts, Settlements, Payments, & Transfers

• Grain Sales and Marketing
   Sales Contracts, Scale Tickets, Shipments, Invoices, Payments, Hedging & Futures

• Detailed Inventory Management
   Segregated Commodity Mgmt, Precise Controls, Perpetual System, Condo Storage

• Automated Scale Features
   Seamless Integration, Intuitive Scale Tickets, Partnered with LV Controls & JF Systems

• Manage Shares
   Shareholder Center, Share Certificates, Issues/Transfers/Buybacks, Dividends, T5 Reporting

• Detailed and Compliant Reporting
   Expansive Reporting Across All Functions, Fully Compliant with CGC, Export Options

• Partnered with Grain Discovery
   Online Marketplace App for Grain Buyers & Producers, Fully Integrated with agrēGrain

• All-in-one Solution for Grain & Inputs
  Available as an Independent Solution; or as a Fully-integrated Agribusiness ERP

For more information about agrēGrain, visit Tronia, contact your Tronia CSC or email

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