We welcome anyone to take our training programs. However, members receive special pricing so make sure to log in to purchase.

Anhydrous Ammonia

Retailer Safe Handling & TDG Certification

This course is designed to promote the safe transportation and handling of anhydrous ammonia at an agri-retail location or distribution center.

Successful trainees receive:
A TDG (Transportation of Dangerous Goods) certificate valid for three (3) years from the date signed, confirming they are qualified to transport and handle anhydrous ammonia (Class 2.3 (8)).

Anhydrous Ammonia

Safety & The Farmer – TDG Certification

Hosted by Fertilizer Canada, this course is designed to promote the safe transportation and handling of anhydrous ammonia at the farm level.

Successful trainees receive:
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) certification, valid for three years from the date signed confirming qualification to transport and handle anhydrous ammonia (Class 2.3 (8)).

Fertilizer Canada has recently updated its e-learning platform. Users that have taken an e-learning course on Fertilizer Canada’s previous GrowZone platform (before 2025), please use the Sign up for e-learning form. Fertilizer Canada will then reactive your Inactive user profile, so that you will have access to your learning history.

If you are having difficulties registering for this course, please contact Fertilizer Canada via e-mail at elearning@fertilizercanada.ca.

TDG Fundamentals

Retailer TDG Certification

This course has been developed for CAAR using Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) classes found in agri-retail businesses to assist retailers in complying with the TDG Act and Regulations.

Successful trainees receive:
TDG (Transportation of Dangerous Goods) certificate valid for three (3) years from the date signed confirming that they are qualified to handle, offer for transport and transport goods under Classes 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3, 5.1, 6.1 8 and 9.

WHMIS 2015

It’s now easy for you to get your WHMIS certification online through caar.org! This version of WHMIS is based on the federal WHMIS 2015 regulations in effect as of December 1, 2018, after the end of the transition period.

This online course includes information on the Consumer Chemical hazard classes, and information employees need to be aware of when products labelled under the Consumer labeling system are brought into the workplace.

Investing in Certified Seed

This interactive course has been developed by the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association to assist Canadian seed retailers to develop the knowledge required to help educate grower customers on the benefits Certified seed provides for individual growers and the Canadian seed industry.

Successful trainees receive:
A full understanding of the quality assurance, innovation, traceability, and return on investment Canadian farmers receive when they purchase Certified seed. Certified Crop Advisors are also eligible to receive 0.5 CEU credits in Crop Management.

CCA Examiner

Obtain Your CEUs with CAAR! Now available online, the CCA Examiner newsletters offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) towards the Certified Crop Advisor Program. Credits are available for three (3) years after the publishing date.

Successful trainees receive:
Continuing Education Units (CEUs).