Banner for CAAR Congratulates Minister Bibeau

As the recognized voice for retail, on behalf of CAAR’s 575 members and the agriculture industry, CAAR looks forward to collaborating on Canadian agriculture economic growth and development. CAAR’s diverse membership represents the entire crop inputs sector: fertilizer, crop protection, biotechnology, seed, services, storage and handling, and equipment.

CAAR looks forward to continuing its work with Minister Bibeau and the Federal Government on key policy issues such as reviewing proposed changes to reduce farm-applied fertilizer emissions, as well as innovations with regard to Carbon sequestration.

CAAR also extends its congratulations to the newly appointed Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Steven Guilbeault.

“We know the Canadian government values the contributions of traditional farmers to feed Canadians,” says CAAR Executive Director, Mitch Rezansoff. “We are also confident the Canadian government recognizes that innovation on these two important issues is best driven by the farmers and organizations that support them.”

Canadian farmers supported by agriculture retailers and agronomists are leaders in the evolution of agricultural production. CAAR members believe the agricultural industry drives Canada’s economy by providing a safe, sustainable and environmentally reliable supply of food, materials and employment for all regions of Canada.

Canadian farmers have and continue to embrace new production practices that improve soil health, safeguard water and sequester carbon. Adoption and expansion of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship program furthers Canadian agriculture’s proactive approach by using best management practices to reduce farm-applied fertilizer emissions.

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