Faster Internet to Improve Canadian Farming Communities
The Government or Canada recently released its rules for the upcoming 3800 MHz Spectrum auction, and has chosen to implement spectrum caps and strong deployment conditions. This spectrum will be key to delivering both 5G and rural wireless broadband, and CAAR hopes it will be used properly to improve farming communities and businesses. It also means that multiple carriers will have access to the spectrum to be competitive, thereby avoiding a single carrier monopoly. This will increase both the speed and availability of mobile and internet service across Canada and ultimately help the agricultural sector as farm technologies continue to advance.
Deadline Extended for AAFC Emissions Doc
The deadline to provide feedback on the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada discussion document: Reducing emissions arising from the application of fertilizer in Canada’s agriculture sector has been extended until August 31, 2022. The entire Canada agricultural retail industry will be impacted by emission changes. CAAR members are urged to provide a response.
CAAR Membership Dues Are Due
Despite the deadline passing, it is still not too late to get your memberships dues in with CAAR. With several advocacy issues ongoing to protect the industry, every member makes a difference and strengthens the voice of CAAR. Contact us at info@caar.org.