CAAR was busy in the first quarter of 2022 - we know it's hard to keep up with everything. Learn about CAAR's activities in our first Quarterly At-A-Glance of 2022, providing an overview of how we represented and advocated on behalf of ag retailers across Canada from January to March 2022.
CAAR supports the Manitoba government’s introduction of amendments to the Environment Act that would allow Health Canada approved pesticides to be used in low-risk areas including on private lawns.
CAAR fights on your behalf for issues and regulations that impact your business. CAAR strives to bring your perspective - the perspective of ag retailers - to regulators before decisions are made, and CAAR works to ensure that the laws and guidelines they develop make sense for your business. But we need your input!
Fertilizer Canada has held an exemption permit with Transport Canada since 2011, allowing federally-regulated carriers to access alternate operating cycles for hours of service requirements under the Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations.
Advice might be free to give, but when it comes to serving farmers and consumers, the true voice of science-based reason belongs to the agrologist.
The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health, recently announced that the government will be forming a new Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products in Canada. The Committee will provide scientific advice, as appropriate, before certain evidence-based federal decisions on pesticides, including on pesticide Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs).
An announcement by the Government of Canada of a delay in changing glyphosate MRLs and its new financial investment in PMRA has the agricultural community worried of a new slippery slope—politics.
The Government of Canada is considering changes to Canada’s world-class pesticide regulatory system (PMRA). Now is the time to make your voice heard and let the government know that the agriculture industry needs a science-based regulatory system that supports innovation to contribute to global food security, drive greater sustainability and compete on the world stage.
CAAR is encouraging members to have their say by sending a letter to Health Canada’s consultation on the Pest Control Products Act. The process has been made easy, it only takes a few clicks, and the deadline for action has been extended to June 30.