2024 was the year of a new CAAR. With this relationship, members can expect high-quality and timely coverage on topics relevant to ag retail.
Be sure to read the October issue of CAAR Communicator [...]
The April issue of CAAR Communicator, "I Think Therefore AI AG," should arrive in your mailbox any day now. It welcomes new Executive Director Myrna Grahn, who began her new role on March 25, 2024.
The April issue of CAAR Communicator, "I Think Therefore AI AG," should arrive in your mailbox any day now. It welcomes new Executive Director Myrna Grahn, who began her new role on March 25, 2024.
The February CAAR Communicator "I Love Ag" issue should arrive in your mailbox. The feature article looks at brand marketing and standing out from the competition.
The December issue of CAAR Communicator should be arriving in your mailbox any time soon. The feature article looks at the increase in strikes across the country, among other things.
The October issue of CAAR Communicator should have arrived on your desk by now. The feature article examines the art and science of moving Canada's grains to international customers, including the distractions, reactions, red tape, and weather.
Summer is almost over, and harvest has already begun. You should be receiving your August 2023 issue of CAAR Communicator in your mailbox. Feature articles include "Drought: The Worst is Yet to Come" and "Learning to Love Bills."
Spring is upon us, meaning you will soon receive your April 2023 issue of CAAR Communicator. Feature articles include "The Barton Report & Current Policy" and "Blinded by Science."