Not all growers recognize this, but phosphorus plays a major role in a crop’s development. (Sponsored Content)
WestMET Ag, formerly known as Westmoreland Mining, has partnered with Top Krop Fertilizers Inc. (Top Krop) to increase availability of its humic products to western Canadian growers. Sponsored Content.
Carmen Holding, Product Manager, Roundup, Corn & Soy Herbicides, Canada, Bayer Crop Science Canada, recently shared an update regarding Canadian Glyphosate Supply with CAAR members.
Cleanfarms is inviting Alberta retailers to register to become SPI Collection partners.
For CAAR Saskatchewan members, the association has once again successfully renewed the SGI Letter of Approval to Anhydrous Ammonia or Fertilizer Distributors, expiring Dec. 31, 2022.
Daren Carlson, P.Ag is the Vice President, Sales and Marketing with McEwen’s Fuels & Fertilizers at the Willow Springs head office in Sturgeon County, Alberta. Prior to that, he was retired. Rather than have you believe he is living his life in reverse, the affable Carlson is on his second lifetime in the ag industry he just can’t seem to get enough of. And should it ever arise, if offered a martini cocktail he probably prefers it “Shaken, not stirred.”
CAAR recently participated in the Pulse Value MRL Working Group, a meeting to review the market risk of new pesticide products coming to market, and/or products currently on the market that have experienced an MRL change in a major export market. The results of the review are communicated through the Keep it Clean product advisory for the 2022 growing season.
With every little detail rethought and redesigned to be stronger and protect better, EVO 50 grain bins are worth thinking about. (Sponsored Content)
LeftField Commodity Research founder provides an overview of the 2022 Canadian crop market as a thank-you to joining CAAR as a Perk$ Partner.