For the past 10 years, I have set a goal of 5,000 kms of road bike cycling from April to October, which affords me thinking time, a-plenty. While focusing on the road and traffic, there are many questions I have yet to resolve regarding Canadian ag production direction, policy, and regulations, says Mitch Rezansoff, CAAR Executive Director.
The Fertilizer Canada Presentation Food for thought: What’s Driving Fertilizer Prices is now available to view.
By now, CAAR members should have received their membership renewal information for the 2022-23 year. Don't delay - membership renewals are due Mid-July. With several advocacy issues ongoing to protect the industry, every member makes a difference and strengthens the voice of CAAR.
This is the last reminder to CAAR members to have your say by sending a letter to Health Canada’s consultation on the Pest Control Products Act. The process has been made easy, it only takes a few clicks, but you must act by June 30.
CAAR Membership Renewals are being sent this week, please watch your inbox for invoices. Membership with CAAR enables you to focus your attention on your business; while trusting CAAR to share the regulatory, compliance and advocacy information you need to know when you need to know it. How do CAAR services help your retail business?
Dig into The Dirt, an eKonomics PodKast, this week exploring severe weather's impact on the market this summer. (Sponsored Content)
CAAR AGM will be held on Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 10:00 am. CAAR is now accepting nominations from members in good standing for its 2022-23 Board of Directors. The slate of directors will be presented during the AGM. Deadline is June 12 at midnight.
The April 2022 CAAR Communicator is now also available online in case you missed the print version.