Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has been holding calls with stakeholder groups to provide updates about the flooding situation in British Columbia (BC).
Why should you attend the 2022 CAAR Conference? Besides the fantastic networking opportunities and award presentations, CAAR has a great line-up of speakers.
Are you planning on attending the 2022 CAAR conference Feb 8 to 10, 2022. In addition to excellent networking opportunities throughout the conference, the CAAR Conference Committee has put together a great line-up of speakers.
As per the recent announcements, the 2022 CAAR conference is going virtual and will be held Feb 9 and 10, 2022, the CAAR Conference Committee has put together a great line-up of speakers.
Science and evidence-based data, timeliness, transparency, and clarity of language key factors.
CAAR Communicator chatted with Blaine Cochrane, Sales Manager with Shur-Gro Farm Services in Brandon, Manitoba to learn about the person and career, his leadership within the ag retail sector, and why he decided to become a part of the CAAR Board team. Oh, and something about mountains.
CAAR constantly supports Canada’s ag retail sector and provide members the latest news, trends and regulation updates through our various communications channels.