Tom Jensen and Carol Holt will be the presenters.
The next CCA exam date is January 24 to February 5, 2024. Exam registration opens on December 13, 2023 and the registration deadline is January 15, 2024.
CCA has published a new set of dates to cover off each study category (NM, SW, IPM and CM).
Existing registrants for either the online Prairie or Int’l study guide are encouraged to participate at no charge as part of their study guide purchase. CCA says that it has sent an email to all active users letting them know about this opportunity to participate and engage in a live session, including questions/answers.
Those who want to participate should register at https://onlinestudyguide.prairiecca.ca/live-tutorials/ for any or all 4 date options.
Upon registration, they will receive a confirmation email with details on how to connect to the online meeting. These online live tutorials are FREE for existing registrants to the online Prairie or Int’l study guide and not intended to be shared with anyone else. After registering for the online live tutorials, an email reminder will be sent one week, one day and one hour before the event. Let me know if you have any questions.