CAAR | October 2024

OCTOBER 2024 27 NURSE TANK between $6,200 and $8,326 every summer on third-party testing. Dave Wuchner of Horizon Fertilizers Ltd. in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, said: “We are currently using a third-party testing firm to test and inspect our fleet of nurse tanks, but we plan on becoming a registered testing and inspection facility this year or next year to test and inspect our own nurse tanks.” NTSCC through CAAR The Nurse Tank Safety Council of Canada (NTSCC) was formed from the ashes of the Ammonia Safety Council in 2008 and is part of the CAAR organization. The NTSCC developed a Quality Control Manual, which is the first step required for an organization to be registered with Transport Canada to conduct TC51 and ASME tank testing, inspections, and leakage tests. The NTSCC Quality Control Manual is a generic manual that can be used as the starting point by any CAAR member organization that wants to pursue registration with Transport Canada for TC51 and ASME nurse tank testing, inspections, and leakage tests. All of the necessary procedures and forms are in the NTSCC’s generic Quality Control Manual, and they only need to be customized to suit your organization. Assistance with the registration process is also available should it be needed. The NTSCC Quality Control Manual is revised after each new CSA B620 and B622 edition is issued for publication. Transport Canada then reviews the revised Quality Control Manual to ensure that all of the required sections and information are present and provides suggestions for revisions. This gives a participating CAAR retailer a solid head start in developing their own personalized quality control manual for the registration process. Arnfinson added that, “Shur-Gro is a registered testing and inspection facility for our nurse tanks, and we feel this is our most cost-effective option and it provides us with the flexibility we need.” NTSCC Training The NTSCC has been running training courses for many years, training inspectors and testers of TC51 and ASME nurse tanks. One of the difficulties that CAAR retailers have encountered was that there were no specific criteria provided for the experience and training required to be a qualified inspector, tester, or both. The same training and qualifications might be accepted by one TC inspector but not by another inspector. CSA recently solved that issue in the 2020 version of CSA B620 by stipulating precisely what the minimum criteria are for being a qualified tester and/or inspector. CSA B620-20 also stipulates that training organizations The Shur-Gro Shoal Lake team in Manitoba was kind enough to allow CAAR to use their facility for its hands-on portion of the Nurse Tank Safety Program. Glenn Dickson photo