CAAR | October 2024

6 CAAR COMMUNICATOR CAAR ATTENDANCE TO CONVENTION CAAR is holding its 2024 annual convention, known this year as “CAAR Connect: Empowering an Industry,” from November 19 to 21 at the Delta Regina in Regina. Make sure you head over to Page 21 of the Communicator magazine (Not all beers are created equal) to learn a bit of history regarding the naming of this Saskatchewan city. If you haven’t already registered, it’s not too late to make plans to attend the event. So why should you attend? We asked some of the attendees about their reasons for participating. But before we get to their viewpoints, here’s what will be happening at the event. On Tuesday, November 19, the first-ever CAAR Science of the Six Pack Mixer will happen, kicking off the convention where you can learn about Saskatchewan’s malting barley industry—which means beer tasting! Attendees will be able to sample and then vote on their favourite local brews handpicked from across Saskatchewan. This fun event will also provide ample opportunity to catch up with peers and build connections with ag retailers. On Wednesday, November 20, the program includes a day of sessions to discuss key issues and topics affecting the agriculture industry in Canada and what that means for ag retailers. CAAR has lined up some very interesting and informative speakers to discuss the Canadian—and global— agricultural scene. Our speakers include: • Cornine Thiessen, General Man- ager of ADAMA Canada. ADAMA is a global leader in crop protec- tion, providing solutions to com- bat weeds, insects, and diseases. • Alanna Koch, Chair of the Global Institute for Food Security. It works with partners to discover, develop, and deliver innovative solutions for the production of globally sustainable food. • Catherine King, Vice President, Public Affairs & Member Services, Fertilizer Canada, an industry as- sociation representing Canadian producers, manufacturers, whole- salers, and retail distributors of ni- trogen, phosphate, and potash fertilizer used in the production of crops. • Crystal Mackay is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Loft32, which works to elevate people, businesses, and the con- versations on agriculture and food. Mackay is a recognized leader in communications and collaboration in food and farming. • Jennifer Wright, Executive Director of the Canadian Agri- culture Human Resource Council (CAHRC), a national, non-profit organization that addresses human resource issues faced by agricultural businesses from all across Canada. YOU GOTTA MEET HERE! CAAR’s annual convention takes place in Regina this November to connect members and empower an industry. Andrew Joseph, Editor benkrut/iStock/Getty Images Plus photo