Big changes are coming to CAAR, and we can’t wait to share the excitement with you!

Under the new direction of our dynamic Executive Director, Myrna Grahn, CAAR is undergoing a complete brand refresh and website relaunch. With fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, Myrna leads the charge toward a brighter future for our organization.

As part of our reinvigorated identity, we’re rolling out all-new brand elements that reflect our commitment to empowering the ag-retail industry. Every aspect of our brand, from vibrant colours to bold graphics, has been carefully crafted to represent our united voice and unwavering dedication to responsible agriculture.

While there’s still much to unveil, we wanted to give you a sneak peek at what’s in store. Stay tuned for updates on our all-new website, packed with exciting features and resources designed to empower you in your ag-retail journey.

Don’t miss out on any of the action! Be sure to follow us on our social media channels – to stay up-to-date with the latest news and announcements.

Let’s embrace this new chapter and continue to unite, educate, and advocate for a stronger, more empowered ag-retail industry!




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