Farms.com is a leading supplier of innovative information products and services for the global agriculture and food industries.
We serve the agriculture industry in the United States and Canada and have several office locations across North America. Farms.com is based in Canada with a head office in Guelph, ON. Our Farms.com Media & Publishing team showcases a network of websites that welcome thousands of commercial farmers and agribusiness professionals from across North America each day and is a trusted source of information to browse the latest agriculture news.
In addition to news and market information, the Farms.com website features classifieds, used-farm equipment, and real estate listings for its customer base. In addition to the website Farms.com, the Farms.com network of sites includes Ag Connections network of websites, Agriville.com, AgSearch.com, and USFarmer.com. It also includes our commodity marketing subscription service Farms.com Risk Management.
On the publishing side, the Farms.com print offerings which you may be familiar with include Better Farming (Ontario & Prairies), Better Pork, Germination, Seed World, Small Farm Canada, SpudSmart, as well as the Ag Buyer’s Guide in Ontario and the Alberta Seed Guide.
During 2020, the Farms.com group of companies served over 28 million website page views in our network of sites to over 6 million users. We also sent over 24 million email communications through various newsletters. Finally, we published over 60 different issues of publications, that provided over 200 million pages of content.
In addition to Media and Publishing, the Farms.com Group of Companies also provides the following solutions for the global agriculture and food sector:
- Human Resource Solutions: this encompass AgCareers.com, CareersInFood.com, and De Lacy Executive Recruiting
- Software and Services: this include swine software leader PigCHAMP, as well as Farms.com Professional Services
- Farming and Production: this includes a 2,000-acre cash crop farm that also produces renewable energy through a variety of wind and solar installations.
When we submitted our proposal to CAAR, we underlined that we thought of it as a partnership, as we truly feel that to succeed, both parties will need to look at this as a long-term partnership – as an opportunity to leverage the strengths of each organization, while also respecting the needs of each group.
Many of you are likely already familiar with our Director of Business Development and Digital Media Andrew Bawden, whom you can reach at any time to place advertisements in this publication, as well as online and in the eNewsletter to help you reach members of the association.
We are excited by the potential that this relationship can deliver to both partners, and we look forward to working with CAAR as well as its board of directors, committees and members to help advance the industry.