“Our government recognizes the need for a safe and responsible approach to using cosmetic pesticides,” said Wharton. “We’ve heard from Manitobans and their concerns that current methods are ineffective. This legislation would help protect areas frequented by children and pets while allowing Manitobans to apply Health Canada approved products safely and minimize overall environmental impacts.”
The minister noted Manitoba’s protections would go further than those of other prairie provinces by prohibiting cosmetic pesticide use in sensitive areas. New provisions would restrict pesticide use in municipal playgrounds, dog parks, picnic areas and provincial parks. The legislation would maintain protections for schools, child-care centres and hospitals.
Municipalities and other stakeholders asked for greater flexibility to have useable, aesthetic green spaces in communities, noted Wharton. The legislation would allow the use of Health Canada-approved cosmetic pesticides in low-risk areas like boulevards, sidewalks, rights-of-way and fairgrounds. Manitobans would also have the ability to apply federally approved pesticides on their lawns.
To better understand Manitobans’ experiences with the existing restrictions, the province launched a public consultation to gather feedback on the use of cosmetic pesticides. More than 60 percent of respondents indicated the restrictions on the sale and usage of pesticides for cosmetic use were too strict, and over 70 percent wanted to see the current restrictions reduced or rescinded.
“The Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) supports the decision to align with federal regulations and rigorous Health Canada review processes,” said Kam Blight, president, AMM. “Aligning with federal regulations will allow municipalities to effectively manage weed control programs while mitigating financial pressures on municipal budgets.”
The minister noted the province is committed to protecting the environment and relying on Health Canada approvals to inform decision-making.
“Health Canada approves all cosmetic pesticides used in Canada, which must meet strict health and safety measures,” said Wharton. “The federal government has a robust approval process that assesses the risk of pesticides to human health and the environment, and they have deemed products safe when used appropriately. Manitoba will continue to rely on Health Canada to evaluate pesticide products and all pesticides sold and used in Manitoba must be federally approved under the Pest Control Products Act.”
“Manitoba Nursery Landscape Association represents the horticulture industry that grows, installs and maintains the green infrastructure in our province,” said David Hinton, government relations chairperson, Manitoba Nursery Landscape Association. “We support the Province of Manitoba’s decision to rely on Health Canada for science-based regulation and information on the products used to protect the health of Manitoba green spaces.” The minister noted care should be taken when using all pesticides and chemicals, and consumers should follow directions and only use products for their intended purpose. More information on safe pesticide use is available through Health Canada at www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/about-pesticides/use-pesticides-safely.html.
For more information, contact Mitch Rezansoff at 204-989-9303.