The interim report developed for the National Workforce Strategic Framework for Agriculture and Food & Beverage Manufacturing is a thing of beauty. But something integral to its success is missing.
With Canada having to reduce its GHG emissions, the ag industry needs more innovative technologies. So how do we do that?
The Market Access Committee has released information about new pesticides in corn and soy that are to be launched for the 2023 crop season. The committee stated that is has no trade concerns with the use of five new corn pesticides and two new soy pesticides.
In addition to the recent launch of an Online Study Guide for both the International and Prairie Board CCA exams, the Prairie Certified Crop Advisor Board Exam Committee has put together a series of four online live tutorials for each study category.
Devron McLeod will leverage his sales and marketing experience in the agriculture industry to lead FMC in Canada
As previously reported in CAAR Network, in June 2022, Quebec’s Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques implemented regulations regarding the recovery and reclamation of products by companies. Cleanfarms has prepared a webpage to help decipher the information for those in the agriculture industry.
Three sessions at the 2023 CAAR Conference, February 6 to 8, 2023, that will help you prepare for the Challenges & Opportunities Ahead!