• Daren Carlson, P.Ag is the Vice President, Sales and Marketing with McEwen’s Fuels & Fertilizers at the Willow Springs head office in Sturgeon County, Alberta. Prior to that, he was retired. Rather than have you believe he is living his life in reverse, the affable Carlson is on his second lifetime in the ag industry he just can’t seem to get enough of. And should it ever arise, if offered a martini cocktail he probably prefers it “Shaken, not stirred.”

  • Two simple tips can help your ag retail hold onto the people you just hired.

  • Agricultural technology shapes the way our farmers go about their business—and you need to be up on current and future trends to serve your customers. Learn about some of the newer technologies being offered within our ag industry…

  • It’s no secret that CAAR Board team members seem to like the Great Outdoors, and this issue’s all-star is no exception. Taylor Olsen, Operations Manager of Olds Fertilizers & Agri Services in Olds, Alberta, talked with the CAAR Communicator where we learned more of himself and career, ag retail leadership, his role with the CAAR Board and why a relaxing time for him involves doing something non-relaxing.