• Read the February 2021 CAAR Communicator – available online now! The last issue of the CAAR Communicator before the annual CAAR Conference gives you the scoop on the virtual event from Feb. 9-11, plus important announcements from CAAR’s board chair and staff, along with a follow-up on DOT, acquired by Raven last year. Keep reading for more on what you can expect from this edition!

  • CAAR board and staff share with members a look at what their association’s priorities are for 2021.

  • CAAR board and staff share with members a look at what their association’s priorities are for 2021.

    As the geopolitical environment evolves, the need for an association representing the voice of the agriculture industry is needed now more than ever, says Mitch Rezansoff, executive director of CAAR. Public opinion continues to drive legislation rather than sound science, economic value and contribution.

  • The ag industry showed strength and unity in the face of the many challenges presented in 2020 as COVID-19 drastically changed how ag retailers conducted business. As an essential service, businesses in all areas of the agriculture industry had to find innovative ways to pivot their norm in a world that changed overnight.