• The US Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) have issued a safety advisory to provide notice of the possibility of catastrophic failure of certain hazardous materials packages commonly known as “nurse tanks.” 

  • The EUCARPIA General Congress will be held at The Westin Hotel in Leipzig, Germany, from August 18 - 23, 2024, with the theme "Global Challenges for Crop Improvement."

  • The global NPK fertilizers market is set to reach $158.16 billion by 2032 driven by demand in developing countries and innovations in farming.  However there are challenges on the horizon like rising raw material costs.

  • Through its Seed Regulatory Modernization (Seed-RM) initiative, the CFIA is updating some of its seed regulations to ensure flexibility in addressing future technical advances and scientific innovation in seed and seed potato systems. I would like to hear from CAAR members.