According to Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development, reports from across Agri-Manitoba and data from the Ag Weather Network indicate that fields are still partially to fully snow covered with most areas showing soils freezing over night or still frozen. The forecast indicates below normal temperatures continuing for the next week to 10 days and reports suggest that field conditions will not be suitable for fertilizer application or other field operations for at least a few more weeks.
No nitrogen or phosphorus containing fertilizers/products or materials (manure, compost, biosolids, etc.) can be applied before April 11, 2022. After April 11 the restriction is lifted but Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development is reminding agri-retailers and farmers that application of nutrients to frozen or snow covered soils is not recommended as such applications increase the risk of nutrient loss from the field to the environment.
For the latest information on the Manitoba Restriction on Winter Application of Nutrients variance go to Manitoba.ca/NutrientDates.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Mitch Rezansoff, Executive Director, or 204.989.9303.