Stacie Yaremko and Amanda Mitchell

CAAR Member Nutrien is making a significant impact on Canadian agriculture by sponsoring soil science students at the annual Canadian Society of Soil Science (CSSS) conference which is currently underway (June 9 to 13).

Soil scientists and graduate students across Canada exchange ideas and research results at the CSSS conference which Nutrien sponsors.

Students like Stacie Yaremko and Amanda Mitchell benefit greatly from this initiative.

Stacie, a Master of Science candidate at the University of Alberta, focuses on the sulfur nutrition of forage crops. Her role integrates new knowledge directly into her work, benefiting agricultural practices in Alberta’s Peace Region.

Nutrien’s support helps her overcome geographical barriers to attend significant industry gatherings.

Similarly, Amanda Mitchell, nearing the completion of her Master’s at the University of Saskatchewan, is recognized for her research on soil carbon dynamics. Her award-winning research is helping to shape practices that maintain organic carbon in soils, vital for sustainable farming.

The conference provides a platform for these young researchers to connect with seasoned scientists and other students, fostering a collaborative environment that is essential for innovation in soil science. This engagement is crucial for both their personal growth and the advancement of Canadian agriculture.

Nutrien’s commitment extends beyond this conference, as they continually support Canadian agriculture through training and sustainable solutions.

Nutrien is proud to support Canadian ag students and young professionals like Stacie and Amanda in their early career development. “Their success is the future of farming and the fertilizer business in Canada,” says Duncan Pottinger, Senior Director, Ag Canada Sales. “Nutrien endeavors to provide continued support and training to Canadian retail and growers in their efforts to deliver sustainable 4R solutions.”

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