According to Fertilizer Canada, Global Fertilizer Day marks the anniversary of Fritz Haber’s discovery (Haber-Bosch process) of ammonia synthesis in 1908, which sowed the seeds for the Green Revolution of the early 20th century. During this time, widespread adoption of agricultural technologies lifted millions out of poverty and famine, allowing our world to grow and develop.
Fertilizer significantly increases the amount of food that can be safely grown per acre and experts say this allows two out of five people around the world to have access to a reliable food supply. In 1960, one hectare of land fed two people. In 2025, one hectare of land will need to feed five.
Consider inviting your local mayor and council, MPs and MPPs, business owners and the general public to your facility to celebrate the fertilizer industry on or in the weeks leading up to Global Fertilizer Day on October 13. If an in-person facility tour is not feasible, consider posting and promoting a virtual tour.
Celebrate Global Fertilizer Day by visiting fertilizercanada.ca for the online toolkit and informative resources.
Fertilizer Canada has created an online toolkit that includes a social media guide and digital marketing resources with ready-made posters, logos, invitations and infographics.
Continue the conversation on social media and use the hashtags #FertilizerDay and #4R on social media posts leading up to and on Global Fertilizer Day. Follow, tag and retweet @FertilizerDay and @FertilizerCA for more Global Fertilizer Day content.