Farm tractor fertilizing crop

Keep it Clean is a joint initiative of the Canola Council of CanadaCereals CanadaPulse Canada and the Prairie Oat Growers Association, providing growers and crop advisers with resources for growing market-ready crops.

The 2025 Product Advisory outlines the market risks that can arise from using certain crop protection products on some crop types. Growers are encouraged to review this information before proceeding with crop management plans. Products listed in the advisory may restrict marketing options due to missing or misaligned maximum residue limits (MRLs) in our export markets or market acceptance issues by certain buyers. Growers must be aware of these restrictions and take appropriate risk mitigation steps to ensure product residues remain below MRLs set by regulatory agencies.

If a product or crop combination does not appear within the advisory, no significant marketing risks have been identified in major markets and the treated crops is accepted by most grain buyers. Review Keep it Clean’s five tips for other ways to ensure crops remain acceptable for both domestic and export customers.

Click here to access the Product Advisory from the Keep it Clean Initiative. Watch for a full article from Keep it Clean in the next issue of The Communicator magazine!

Keep it Clean will host a webinar on April 24, 2025, to promote the updated Product Advisory and provide updates. CAAR will share registration information as it becomes available.