CAAR recently participated in the Pulse Value MRL Working Group, a meeting to review the market risk of new pesticide products coming to market, and/or products currently on the market that have experienced an MRL change in a major export market. The results of the review are communicated through the Keep it Clean product advisory for the 2022 growing season.
How to meet Gen Z’s workplace expectations—because it’s not only about you.
Two BC blueberry farmers relate their experience of the 2021 flooding that has destroyed their livelihood.
An announcement by the Government of Canada of a delay in changing glyphosate MRLs and its new financial investment in PMRA has the agricultural community worried of a new slippery slope—politics.
New study shows how advanced technology farming can provide environmental and financial benefits.
Soon to be part of our landscape to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Canadian Fuel Standard will affect every Canadian on the grid. CAAR provides information on how it came to be, and how it will work.
Despite being the trendy buzzword in agriculture, agroecology is defined differently by country and organization. Even Canada has multiple visions.
A frank discussion by the Honourable Mike Lake MP on mental wellness issues that need to be discussed and not ignored.