CAAR supports the Manitoba government’s introduction of amendments to the Environment Act that would allow Health Canada approved pesticides to be used in low-risk areas including on private lawns.
WestMET Ag, formerly known as Westmoreland Mining, has partnered with Top Krop Fertilizers Inc. (Top Krop) to increase availability of its humic products to western Canadian growers. Sponsored Content.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada released its discussion document: Reducing emissions arising from the application of fertilizer in Canada’s agriculture sector, on Friday March 4th, 2022. The discussion document progresses the next steps of the December 2020, Government of Canada Strengthened Climate Plan, “A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy.”
The Government of Canada is considering changes to Canada’s world-class pesticide regulatory system (PMRA). Now is the time to make your voice heard and let the government know that the agriculture industry needs a science-based regulatory system that supports innovation to contribute to global food security, drive greater sustainability and compete on the world stage.
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CAAR is encouraging members to have their say by sending a letter to Health Canada’s consultation on the Pest Control Products Act. The process has been made easy, it only takes a few clicks, and the deadline for action has been extended to June 30.