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Two simple tips can help your ag retail hold onto the people you just hired.

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2 - HR guru Stacy Brownridge, CPHR with Winfield United Canada offers some must-do advice−just two simple things−to ensure your new hire is a long-term hire.

4 - Rather than just holing up for the winter awaiting a groundhog to see its shadow, here are four huge takeaways for the ag retailer to consider ensuring a prosperous new year and beyond.

5 - Five helpful tips to becoming more than just a seller of products. It’s how to be an ag advisor and go-to solution provider for your customer base.

13 - A baker’s dozen of the latest innovative technologies every ag retailer should familiarize themselves with to provide a heads-up to their customer base or to diversify their own product line.

715 - It’s either one career homerun more than Babe Ruth clobbered, or it’s how many kilometres our featured CAAR Board member paddled on his trek down the Yukon River.

∞ + 1 - That’s the level of thanks owed to: Jim Barclay, Hensall Co-op; Taylor Olsen, Olds Fertilizers & Agri Services; Stacy Brownridge and Taryn Milton, both of Winfield United Canada, for their time and effort in helping CAAR get this issue to our association members.


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Agricultural technology shapes the way our farmers go about their business—and you need to be up on current and future trends to serve your customers. Learn about some of the newer technologies being offered within our ag industry…

Thumbnail for As The Snow Falls

Helpful advice on what you should be doing right now during the winter season to gain an advantage on future activities.

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It’s no secret that CAAR Board team members seem to like the Great Outdoors, and this issue’s all-star is no exception. Taylor Olsen, Operations Manager of Olds Fertilizers & Agri Services in Olds, Alberta, talked with the CAAR Communicator where we learned more of himself and career, ag retail leadership, his role with the CAAR Board and why a relaxing time for him involves doing something non-relaxing.

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You are more than an Ag retailer—you’re an Ag advisor. Here are five tips you should be utilizing to expand your role with the farmer.