The combination of a small application window and a limited labor force can sometimes mean that trucks are waiting in line or application equipment is sitting idle at the field – a hang-up that farmers don’t tolerate.
The fertilizer industry is now making a turn to high-intensity, twin shaft horizontal mixers. These can achieve a thorough mix much faster, blending eight tons in 45 seconds, with impregnation. This means growers are getting a high-quality blend in three minutes or less.
This takes the pressure of the long line off – for the driver, the farmer and the tower operator. Instead of waiting in line at a retail location, the trucks are back at the field with the right fertilizer blend, waiting to load up the fertilizer truck with a consistent blend. And the operator can step away, hop in the payloader and load the tower up again for the next trucks.
GSI’s InterSystem line fits the bill
For retailers looking to upgrade their fertilizer blending process, GSI’s Intersystem line of blend towers is an excellent opportunity. The systems typically have a 30 year or more life-cycle and many customers feel that the vertical, gravity systems have a lot less that can go wrong and require significantly less preventative maintenance. Faster cycles, high-quality blends, and more efficient use of labor all add up to improved service, a better customer experience and an improved bottom line, not to mention the longest warranty in the industry. All from a company you know and trust with a proven track record in the field.
See how a GSI Intersystem fertilizer blend tower works here.