View CAAR’s Q1 Quarterly At-A-Glance (July – September 2020)
View CAAR’s Q2 Quarterly At-A-Glance (October – December 2020)
CAAR membership and member value remain the top priority of the CAAR board of directors and staff. Without the loyalty and support of our members, we would not be able to continuously produce valuable programs and services as well as advocate on behalf of Canada’s ag retailers.
Farms.com has been selected by CAAR as its strategic partner to provide communications and creative services to the organization. They bring extensive knowledge and experience in serving the agriculture industry and we look forward to partnering with them to enhance CAAR’s communications to its members and the industry.
Click here to learn more about Farms.com
CAAR continues to work directly with federal and provincial regulators and partners with agriculture associations ensuring the uninterrupted business of ag retailing.
CAAR’s active participation in industry groups, committees and meetings to ensure that Canadian ag retailers are represented consistently.
In 2020/21 Q3, CAAR was engaged in:
- The COVID-19 Information Sharing Stakeholder conference calls hosted by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) in conjunction with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). CAAR continues to monitor and share details of programs and issues addressed within the calls with members;
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) fertilizer regulation updates to better support the registration and introduction of novel and specialty fertilizers. CAAR is also a member of the Specialty Fertilizers Advisory Committee (SFAC). CAAR members are represented by CAAR and can also choose to participate directly utilizing the CAAR SFAC membership;
- AgGateway’s bi-monthly virtual meetings, attending as an associate member to stay current with global standard updates and provide input to developments of digital supply chain connectivity in Canada, North America and Globally;
- Synthesis Agri-Food to review the Code of Practice Development and Responsible Grain Consultation Orientation Sessions;
- Fertilizer Canada; CAAR continues to actively participate with their committees relating to fertilizer codes of practice, safety and security, transportation of dangerous goods and efficient placement and utilization of manufactured fertilizers.
CAAR continues to advocate the development of constructive industry fertilizer standards and regulations; best management logistics and application practices that ensure environmental stewardship and safety at all levels of the supply chain;
- Agriculture & AgriFood Canada / Environment & Climate Change Canada (ECCC), participating as a panel speaker at their virtual meeting. Participants were asked to provide opinion on the impact of Canadian agriculture practices to global climate change.
CAAR is a strong supporter of the advancement of Canadian agriculture practices that support air, water and soil environment stewardship. Canadian production practices over the past 50 years have dramatically reduced environmental impacts.
Canadian agriculture should not be targeted as a greenhouse gas contributor with burdening costs. As a global free market exporter, agriculture production in Canada is driven by efficiencies. Changes to production practices must create competitive production efficiencies to encourage ubiquitous adoption;
- Omnitracs / Canadian Roundtable for Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) due to Canada and the United States recently implementing mandatory electronic logging device regulations for the trucking industry.
CAAR has monitored and communicated the requirements to ag retailers requiring further details. As the implementation develops and evolves CAAR will provide resources to members requiring additional support;
- Manitoba Hydro; initiating contact with agriculture associations on how better to inform farmers and ag retailers of potential hazards due to agriculture equipment incidences with electrical transmission lines and structures have increased over the past 5 years with Alberta and Saskatchewan identifying similar trends.
This is an opportunity to proactively communicate with farmers and ag retailers direct on how best to utilize farm equipment GPS technologies to actively improve awareness and avoidance;
- Province of Manitoba Application Restrictions Committee to provide input on the need to delay or early remove restrictions to accommodate soil nutrient applications in spring and fall;
- Wisconsin Authorized Canadian Trade Representative Office / Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers (CGLG-Canada) to help support new product imports and ag retailer introductions within Canada by foreign product producers with new opportunities for agriculture product registration and distribution;
- IRM / Sherritt Annual Meeting to receive fertilizer and agriculture updates.
Thank you to everyone who attended, sponsored and presented at the 2021 Virtual CAAR Conference!
Hosted online from February 9-11, 2021, the 2021 Virtual CAAR Conference was a great success, offering 23 informative keynote and concurrent speaker sessions, receive up to 9.5 CCA credits, and opportunities for 224 attendees to engage and network over three days.
The CAAR Awards were also hosted virtually, highlighting the achievements and dedication of CAAR members who serve their community and the ag retail industry. Congratulations to all of this year’s recipients, click here to learn more about who received the CAAR awards.
Click here to learn more about how the attendees rated our virtual event.
The CAAR Pro-Ag Investments Online Auction was hosted during the 2021 Virtual CAAR Conference from February 9-11, 2021 and thanks to everyone who participated and supported the auction by either bidding or donating products we raised over $65,000!
Proceeds of the auction directly support CAAR’s operations and activities, enabling CAAR to keep member fees low and support other causes such as CAAR’s advocacy efforts, training course upgrades, delivery of expanded and new programming and scholarships to post-secondary ag students.
Click here to learn more about CAAR Pro-Ag Investments and how you can help support.
CAAR offers exclusive training programs to specifically meet the needs of the ag retailer. Renew your certifications online from the comfort of your office or home.
Online training increased in Q3 with members renewing their certifications in time for Spring. All training was hosted online due to continued COVID-19 restrictions. CAAR is continuously looking into alternatives for in-person sessions to help keep retailers in compliance.
Q3 – Online Trainees: 1,193
Anhydrous Ammonia: Retailer Safe Handling and TDG Certification: 169
Anhydrous Ammonia: Safety & The Farmer – TDG Certification: 673
TDG Fundamentals: Retailer TDG Certification: 138
WHMIS 2015: 208
Others: 5
CAAR updated the following training courses to reflect the Canadian Standards Association’s recent changes to the CSA B620:20 and CSA B622:20:
• Nurse Tank Safety Program (NTSP)
• NTSCC Manual – CAAR members can download the manual once logged in to caar.org
For non-members who have taken the course in the past and haven’t received a copy of the NTSCC manual, please email lady@caar.org.