CAAR's SGI permit of approval to Saskatchewan anhydrous ammonia or fertilizer distributors to tow applicator tanks or fertilizer spreaders has been updated for 2016.

The staff of CAAR would like to wish all of its members and their families a happy, healthy, prosperous and productive holiday season.

Please note that the CAAR offices will be closed for the holiday break starting Thursday, December 24, 2015 and re-opening for the new year on Monday, January 4, 2016.

- The CAAR Staff

Vive Crop Protection has announced a partnership with Arysta LifeScience to bring to market high-performance crop protection technology combined with key active ingredients.

The Alberta government's controversial farm safety Bill passed on December 10th. The government will now begin to consult with farmers and industry groups to determine how the occupational health and safety regulations will be implemented.

The two agriculture giants have reached an agreement for a merger of equals, with a combined market capitalization of approximately $130 billion.

The CAAR Conference website keeps a live, up-to-the-minute list of registered attendees, which is available to view online. Attendees can use this to their advantage and start planning who to connect with while at the Conference from Feb 16-18, 2016.

Here's the latest news coverage of CAAR's forthcoming Operation Ag Careers program from around the web.