Thumnail for CAAR Communicator August Issue

By now you and your team should have received the CAAR Communicator August issue.The August 2021 issue of The CAAR Communicator magazine is now available in print and online.

Thumnail for Taking Advantage of Carbon Pricing Opportunities webinar

CAAR members are encouraged to participate in the Webinar: Taking Advantage of Carbon Pricing Opportunities on September 29, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon (EDT).

Thumnail for 1.	AAFC Stakeholder Engagement regarding COVID-19 Paused During Election

As you are all aware, the federal general election will be held on September 20th. This means we are now in a writ period which impacts Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) capacity to engage with stakeholders.

Thumnail for CAAR Conference

Save the Date: February 8th to 10th, 2022. It’s been a crazy 18 months, making it harder to connect and network with those in the agri-retail space. One of CAAR’s greatest membership advantages is bringing CAAR members together! The Conference Committee has been hard at work, preparing for the 2022 conference.

Thumnail for Proposed Herbicide MRLs Changes

After a federal decision to halt the proposed increases to herbicide MRLs, CAAR gets to work to renew its efforts to ensure the ag retail industry has its say.

Thumbnail for CAAR Education

Providing training to over 3,000 individuals in over 250 companies, CAAR offers exclusive programs to specifically meet the needs of the ag retailer and ensure they have the information to stay safe and succeed.

Thumbnail for CAAR provides Members with the Latest News

CAAR constantly supports Canada’s ag retail sector and provide members the latest news, trends and regulation updates through our various communications channels.